2022 Tribal Border Summit October 19-20, 2022
Casino Del Sol in Tucson, AZ 85757
This event is for elected Tribal leaders and their delegates at federally recognized tribal organizations. Vendors or anyone outside of that criteria would need to contact Tribal Border Alliance for any open options to participate.
Face mask requirements at the time of the event will reflect the most current up to date CDC recommendations. Free COVID tests will be available for attendees.
Registration fees *All payments are due by October 1st, 2022. Payments received after this date or at the door are subject to a $75 late fee.
In Person: $300 per Attendee
Virtual: $150 per AttendeeNot available due to no virtual registrations
Please note, registration is NOT complete until full payment is received,
Upon submission you will be receive a confirmation email. If you will be making a payment via check, please indicate using the check box below and an invoice will be sent to the email provided. For any questions, please contact Shanti Gomez at shanti.gomez@pascuayaqui-nsn.gov or Vivian Arandules at vivian.arandules@pascuayaqui-nsn.gov.